on rotation

Well, it’s the sixth day of NaNoWriMo, and you know what? Things aren’t going so badly! Day 2 was a little rough since I had to work over night, but I got it done before heading into work. Who needs sleep?

Since the story I’m writing has ties to the 1980s (Bubblegum Crisis and Blade Runner are pretty big influences), I’ve been listening to a lot of synthwave and honestly kind of reliving my childhood. I was born in 1983, so a lot of the 80s is kinda blurry for me, but I do remember a lot of these songs playing on the radio or on my parents’ record player. Looking back, my parents had really great music taste.

It feels weird saying that, actually.

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Happy NaNoWriMo!

Naturally, my body has decided to get sick at the most inopportune time, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna bust my ass this month for NaNoWriMo. I’m at a pretty decent word count for my first day (1698), and I’m still excited about the project I’m doing, which is more than I can say about previous years.

Granted, I already have had to give myself a little pep talk, reminding myself that literally nothing I’m writing right now is going to be publishable … and that’s okay. It’s barely even a first draft, for god’s sake. I think that is my issue: I am a perfectionist and hate that I have to put in so much work into something that’s terrible in order to make it into something good. I’m currently working on my perfectionism, which is why my first outing in NaNo is giving me anxiety. I want to go back and edit, to chop up and improve on what’s there, but that’s not the point of this exercise.

This is to get me writing.

And even if it ends up being absolutely horrendous, that’s okay, too. I am likely never going to be a world renowned author, and I’m just having fun. Right?


on rotation

Tomorrow is Halloween! This is seriously my favorite holiday (followed pretty closely by Thanksgiving), and so naturally, I’m going to restart “on rotation” with a very short list of the songs I’d pick for my hypothetical Halloween party.

Like … I have a strangely large and eclectic collection of songs that are perfect for this, even if they’re not the traditional “Spooky, Scary Skeletons” vibe, so I’m gonna use that random assortment that lives in my head rent-free to my advantage.

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30-Day Arrested Development Challenge, Day 27: Favorite Fan Art

I feel like I could have multiple parts to this since there is just a ridiculous amount of Arrested Development fan art out there, but I’m going to be conservative about it and go with a single one. But damn, there are some talented artists out there.


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I’ve gone over, like, seven different drafts of this post and haven’t seemed to be able to word it in a way that sounds cohesive. In one version, I sounded incredibly whiny, albeit unintentionally so, and in another, I could not manage to maintain a thought for any longer than a sentence or two. So I’m just going to do what I did in my journal the other day: write it in list form.

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30-Day Arrested Development Challenge, Day 16: Least Favorite Episode

I’m going to make this quick because … well, I don’t have a lot to say about this episode. Season Five had a lot of stinkers and honestly, I could pick any one of them and be fairly accurate that they were the worst of the bunch, but they wouldn’t be my least favorite. That honorable title goes to Season Four’s “Indian Takers.”

I normally enjoy Lindsay’s storylines, but this Lindsay-focused episode was just … blah. Like … I at least got angry feelings at a lot of the Season Five episodes, but I only got a little annoyed with this one and was thisclose to skipping it. I feel like a lot of this episode, like the previous ones from Season Four, are all about set up for future hilarity, but it’s just so tedious to go through, and by the time you get to the payoff, you’re simply too tired to care.

And that’s it! I need to get to bed so I can wake up for work tonight, so I’m kind of thankful for a short post. Sleep time!

30-Day Arrested Development Challenge, Day 7: Least Favorite Guest Star

Similar to the whole Charlize Theron/Rita Leeds thing from two days ago, I love Martin Short (OMG, if you haven’t watched Only Murders in the Building, do it), but his turn as Uncle Jack Dorso in “Ready, Aim, Marry Me” is just … gross. First off, Martin Short, an able-bodied man, is playing a disabled man, and a lot of the humor in this episode is reliant upon his disability. Secondly, I know the relationship between Uncle Jack and Dragon, his assistant, is probably supposed to reference that of Master Blaster from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, but it just seems unnecessarily abusive since Jack just yells at him when he wants something, whereas Master and Blaster had a symbiotic relationship. And then finally, Uncle Jack’s sexual interest in Lindsay was just fucking creepy, as he’s known her since she was a young girl and he’s like 80 or 90.

I also don’t think Short’s performance was that great. Like … it was fine? But not what I would expect from such a wonderful comedic actor. Granted, I don’t think he was given much to work with. All in all, this was just a very disappointing appearance, and the episode wasn’t really all that much better.

30-Day Arrested Development Challenge, Day 6: Favorite Guest Star

I feel like Justine Bateman’s Nellie is my favorite guest star because of how apropos and meta her casting was, just a pristine example of the type of comedy that Arrested Development was known for: obviously she’s actually Jason Bateman’s IRL sister (although not Michael Bluth’s), and she starred in a 1980s sitcom, Family Ties (from which the title of this season 3 episode comes). It also doesn’t hurt that Bateman’s performance was absolutely perfect and hilarious.

Usually comedic situations based on misunderstandings are pretty hit-or-miss for me, but in this case, I loved watching Michael be completely unaware that Nellie was actually a prostitute – despite all the signs – while everyone else was reaping the “benefits” of having a conslutant on staff at the Bluth Company. The best part, though, is the reveal that she couldn’t be a Bluth because she was actually an honest person, taking money to pay the employees she’d been servicing for however long.

It’s characters like these, even if they’re one-shots, that kept bringing me back to Arrested Development. The concepts were witty, and the actors hired to play them were often inspired (see: Mae Whitman as Ann, Carl Weathers as Himself, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Maggie Lizer, and so many others) – and Justine Bateman is definitely the best of these.

30-Day Arrested Development Challenge, Day 5: Least Favorite Recurring Character

Okay, so hear me out: I love Charlize Theron. One of my favorite movies of all time is Mad Max: Fury Road, and I loved her in The Old Guard, The Fast and the Furious franchise, and Young Adult. But I really hate Rita Leeds.

At the beginning of her run on Arrested Development, I thought she was fine, enjoyable even, but when it turns out that she is disabled, I immediately got annoyed that this was a thing, especially with her MRF bracelet. It’s just … icky and insensitive, and it just ruined the character and the arc for me.

That’s really all I have to say about that. Ugh.

Runner-Up: Tony Wonder

i'm a magical creator of words … apparently sound like a unicorn …