Tag Archives: to-do lists


Y’all. Y’all. I start school tomorrow, and I’m … well, I’m freaking out about it? I know it’s just one class (until mid-October – then I start chemistry), but it all means that my life is gonna get a bit … unpredictable, methinks. So I’m getting back into doing these to-do lists. They’re probably going to be more academic-based than anything else after this one, but I’m gonna try this whole work-school-life balance thing.

Wish me luck?

  • Complete one (of three) Domestika watercolor course.
  • Work on The Legion.
  • Work on Jill & Abby script.
  • Unfuck my bedroom (yes, it continues).
  • Go thru kitchen items and organize them.
  • Take books/DVDs/video games to McKay’s to sell.
  • Go thru makeup and skincare and organize bathroom/top of dresser.


I’ve missed the past couple of weeks on these, and … well, I’ve been pretty lethargic for the most part. I’m not saying that me abstaining from making to-do lists is the reason – thanks, depression and anxiety! – but since I’m in this weird limbo of Before School (I start on 9/28/2020, if you’re wondering), I want to make sure that I’m not doing what I did on vacation.

Which was basically me being lazy, giving myself several spa days in a row, playing video games, and not thinking about work. Productivity was not my friend, although I guess it’s not so bad to be in Non-Work Mode. But this list is going to be a little shorter than the last two. I think I overwhelmed myself with tasks.

  • Complete one Domestika course (I purchased a watercolor class bundle to up my game a bit)
  • Call county clerk to see how to get the title to my car changed into my name
  • Work on the Jill & Abby script
  • Work on the outline/treatment for Fairplay (working title)
  • Come up with a schedule and create a calendar (this depends on school, honestly)


This week has been … rough. For a lot of reasons, and ugh, I’ve been self-medicating by playing video games, working out a little bit on the excessive side of things, ordering skincare products, and getting my hair cut (I have bangs now!). Family issues, quarantine, and work have my psoriasis acting up, and I haven’t been sleeping super well, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night with this weird existential dread, like I did a few nights ago. Plus, school starts tomorrow, which … eek, so I have to get a hold of this. I’ve come up with kind of a schedule to follow, although I’m not sure how well I’m going to hold myself to it. Time will tell.

  • Complete mermaid/water spirit idea
  • Unfuck my bedroom
  • Unfuck my bathroom
  • Take Sister Person to At Home to pick a damn rug
  • Finish up patio area under the deck
  • Work on script for Jill & Abby
  • Finish outline/treatment for Fairplay (working title)
  • Order math book (have to hear from the instructor as to what said book is)
  • Buy/borrow calculator
  • Get oil changed
  • Call county clerk to see how to get car title changed into my name


If you haven’t been following what’s going on in my life, hoo boy …

For starters, I’m going back to school! I thought that I had missed the deadline to get into the fall semester, but as it turns out, I had not. Over the course of the previous week, I resent all of my transcripts, spoke with my advisor (who was actually my old advisor from the last time I was in college), signed up for a payment plan (I don’t qualify for student loans/financial aid since I’m only taking one class), enrolled in a math class, and officially started freaking out. I could barely stay focused at work, so be impressed that I’m holding it together enough to write this paragraph.

Anyway, I didn’t get as much accomplished over this past week as I wanted … well, you know what? I got a lot accomplished. None of what I accomplished had much to do with what I had planned last week, but I’m okay with that. I did finally hang up my curtains, though, so now I can not worry about flashing my neighbor as I get out of the shower, and I made some decent progress on my water/mermaid sprite painting (check out my Insta later on today for some snapshots!). A lot of this week is going to be repeats of last’s, but I’m adding some school-related things because I fucking can.

  • Complete mermaid/water spirit idea
  • Unfuck my bedroom
  • Choose three outdoor rugs for Sister Person (she won’t tell me what size I need to pick #angryface)
  • Set up herb garden
  • Finish up patio area under the deck
  • Work on script for Jill & Abby
  • Outline/treatment for Fairplay (working title)
  • Figure out how I’m supposed to pay for a math book that is almost $200.00
  • Get oil changed
  • Speak with advisor about what classes I absolutely have to take


Well! I was much more productive this past week than I was during the one previous, so I am incredibly happy about that. Most of them are still a work in progress, although I did finally buy a damn weed trimmer. Granted, it was only $78.00 and came with a blower, so I will not be surprised if it breaks after a few uses, but at least I’ll have something to tame the weed forest I have growing in the backyard (long story).

There are a lot of repeats, but hey, I made some good progress!

  • Complete mermaid/water spirit idea
  • Unfuck my bedroom (I made huge strides here honestly, and I might be close to being ready to sharing some after photos)
  • Finish hanging curtains (IT’S HARD OKAY)
  • Choose between three outdoor rugs for Sister Person
  • Set up herb garden
  • Finish up patio area under the deck
  • Work on script for Jill & Abby
  • Outline/treatment for Fairplay


I have no excuse. I barely accomplished anything from my to-do list last week. My sister was the one who found my Kindle (it was hiding in the cushions of one of the chairs in the living room), so I can’t even take credit for that. I mean, okay, I did post my art project on Instagram, and I thought about completing my tasks … I just … didn’t … do them? I dunno, last week was weird, and I blame Whole30.

Anyway, this is what I wanna get done this week:

  • Do something artsy (mermaid/Water spirit idea).
  • Possibly buy a weed trimmer.
  • Unfuck my bedroom.
  • Finish hanging up curtains.
  • Choose a rug for Sister Person.
  • Set up herb garden.
  • Take after pictures of deck.
  • Clean up patio area underneath the deck.


Yeah, I forgot to make one of these yesterday, mainly because I was stressed out about Whole30. I’m not even kidding. I went to the grocery store twice, and I’m still not sure if I have everything I need. But anyway, onto updates! The deck is looking really good (soooo much better than it did before), and we got the new furniture – I’m going to post a before and after thing, but I’m waiting on my sister to buy a freaking rug (she trusts my artistic eye, so I’m not actually mad at her about this). The herb garden is still a work in progress, but we’ve got eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, and something else that wasn’t identified. Oh! But I do have a picture of the giant tub of mint that we already have:

I’m going to have to find a lot of recipes that require mint in them, methinks. But I found a way to repurpose that godawful useless grill – I’m going to eventually take the mint out of the pot and just plant it in the grill itself, but for now, this is what it’s gotta be.

I’m still working on that art piece from last week, and honestly, I really need to work on my perfectionism. I can’t keep using the same freaking thing as my “do something artsy,” so I’ll be posting the final result on Instagram this week and beginning something new. The bedroom, as always, is a WIP, and this time, I can’t find my freaking Kindle. So. I’m irritated about that. I also haven’t gotten around to cleaning out the patio area under the deck because it’s been too dang hot to do anything, but that’s going to definitely have to be a Must Finish this week. Maybe Saturday? We shall see. Oh, and I’m still not caught up with Camp NaNo, and have … four days to do so. Again: we shall see.

Oh, but positive! I reached out to Pitney Bowes and Fabletics, and as I suspected, Pitney Bowes is a completely useless company. Once I reached out to Fabletics, my order suddenly appeared at my door three days later.

  • Post art project from last week on Instagram.
  • Do something artsy.
  • Catch up on Camp NaNoWriMo.
  • Unfuck my bedroom.
  • Find GD Kindle.
  • Finish hanging up curtains.
  • Choose a rug for Sister Person.
  • Set up herb garden.
  • Take after pictures of deck.
  • Clean up patio area underneath the deck.

Art Credit: Giphy


In case you were wondering about the success of my posting a to-do list for last week, I can say that I was not entirely a failure. My tire/air conditioning situation is in the process of getting resolved, thank god; I did indeed go on a hike (with friend D and Nelson the dog in tow); and if you check out my Instagram, I took some pictures of pretty flowers, which counts as my “something artsy.” The unfucking of the bedroom and catching up on Camp NaNo, I put squarely in the “in progress” category. However, I didn’t entirely figure out what I was going to do with this damn fish tank. I keep thinking diorama or some type of self-contained terrarium, but I haven’t settled on anything yet. Plus, I got distracted by a refrigerator in dire need of a cleaning out – I found an opened jar of pickles from 2008 and went on a tear.

But since I apparently was at least partially successful, I’m going to continue this to-do list thing.

  • Do something artsy.
  • Figure out what to do with this damn fish tank.
  • Unfuck my bedroom.
  • Catch up on Camp NaNoWriMo.
  • Get the deck ready for new deck furniture (Sister Person bought a new set, and the nasty plastic “furniture,” various broken pots and stands, and other miscellany that’s just sitting out there needs to be … taken care of).
  • Clean up the patio area underneath the deck (it’s somehow worse).
  • Oooh! And order weed killer and maybe a weed trimmer.